The Resurgence of Thai Herbs

The Resurgence of Thai Herbs

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 18 Apr 2022

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 18 Apr 2022

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Full of smiles, always ready to have a good time, and able to enchant visitors to stay, you would think the Thai people put something in the food… or do they?

While Thailand’s love for zestful dishes made using an abundance of herbs is well known, the health and medicinal purposes of these recipes has only recently begun to come to the fore. 

Now more than ever, people the world over are looking to integrate wellness into their daily lives and to avoid over medication, turning their attention to Thailand’s tradition of incorporating health-boosting herbs into everyday cuisine. With roots in ancient practices that have kept the Thai people healthy and lively for thousands of years, Thailand’s use of herbs as medicine has begun to draw the attention of modern science.

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