Phuket’s Community-based Tourism is a Multicultural Treasure

Phuket’s Community-based Tourism is a Multicultural Treasure

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 18 Apr 2022

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 18 Apr 2022

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Known affectionately as the Pearl of the Andaman, Phuket is undoubtedly one of Thailand’s most coveted destinations for locals and visitors alike. In fact, according to UK-based holiday search website Holidu, the island ranks among the top 10 best cities for workation, or working vacations.

But there’s more to Phuket than “James Bond Island” (Koh Khao Phing Kan). As a matter of fact, a number of ethnic communities thrive in the province, each bringing their own distinct cultures and identities that make Phuket a multicultural treasure....

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