The General Information about “Loy Krathong Festival”

The General Information about “Loy Krathong Festival”

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 17 Nov 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 17 Nov 2023

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General Information about “Loy Krathong Festival”

Loy Krathong “What is Loy Krathong? Why? Who benefits from Loy Krathong Festival?
Loy Krathong is one of Thailand’s national festivals. It was announced as an item on the list of
national intangible cultural heritage in 2011, in the category of social practices, rituals, customs,
and festivals.

There are several explanations and legends about the origin of Loy Krathong. But the most reliable
assumption is that the festival has been traditionally practiced for a long time in this land of
“Suvarnabhimi,” meaning the “Golden Land.”
The cultural event similar to Loy Krathong in Thailand also takes place in India, Myanmar, Laos,
and Cambodia. In the flood season, people who depend on waterways for their cultivation will
place a Krathong, which is a float of various sizes, on the water. The floating of Krathong is meant
to pay gratitude to the Goddess of Water, or sacred beings, for giving water and the fertility of the soil.

When do people organize the Loy Krathong Festival?

Thai people celebrate Loy Krathong Festival on the ful-moon night of the 12th lunar month.
This festival varies from region to region of the country. In the Central region, it is commonly held
as a joyous event, with performances and a fireworks display. People usually make Krathong from
banana leaves or a banana tree trunk. The Krathong contains some flowers, candles, and joss
sticks. People gather on the river banks and canals. They make a wish and launch their Krathong
on the water to seek pardon from the Goddess of Water for their sins in polluting waterways.
In the Northen region, people float Krathong in order to send lanterns, flowers, candles, and joss
sticks to pay homage to the Buddhist monk Upagupta, an Arahant who is believed to live
underwater. In celebrating this festival, people clean their houses, decorate the Buddha shelf with
flowers, and light lanterns, or candles, as offering to Buddha. They also make the “turning
lantern,” called “Khom Phat” to decorate the temple, and also listen to the Mahajati preaching
throughout the night. Lanterns are also released into the sky to worship the Chulamani Pagoda
in heaven.

In the South, no Loy Krathong Festival was celebrated on the full-moon night of the 12th lunar
month in the past. On this occasion, people made a float containing food and released it into
waterways. They believed that the float would carry away sins misfortunes, and sickness.
In the Northeast, Loy Krathong Festival is called “Illuminated Boat Procession.” It is held on the
occasion of Buddhist Lent, between the 15th day of the waxing moon of the 11th lunar month.
People will gather into a group at a temple near their homes, and the group will arrange boat
races and an illuminated boat procession to celebrate thus special occasion.

Value of Loy Krathong Festival

Loy Krathong Festivals in all regions of the country may differ in detail, but they share cultural
value that reinforce the bonds of unity between families and communities and contributes to
Buddhism and Thai society as a whole.
For families, Loy Krathong provides the opportunity for family members to carry out activities together.
They may also show respect in remembrance of their deceased ancestors on this occasion.
As for communities, Loy Krathong Festival helps promote unity and affection among the people
through socialization and joyous activities. It will promote local handicrafts and artisans, as well.
Loy Krathong also contributes to Buddhism, as people take this opportunity to make merit,
observe Buddhist precepts, and practice Buddhisht teachings.
Moreover, Loy Krathong Festival is also significant to society, as it encourages people to care for
the environment. The festival creates awareness on the importance of rivers and canals.

The value of Loy Krathong in various dimensions is considered a key factor in keeping the
country’s cultural heritage alive through generations. Numerous people continue to practice this
time-honored festival on a wide scale, and it has become one of Thailand’s unique identities.


“Loy Krathong Festival”