How to Thrive as a Vegan Living in Thailand

How to Thrive as a Vegan Living in Thailand

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 18 Apr 2022

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 18 Apr 2022

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You’ve just arrived in Thailand and decided to check out the local marketplace, where you’re flooded with so many foreign foods, it’s all a little overwhelming—especially if you’re vegan.

After stumbling to find the right words to describe veganism to the vendor, you give up and order a club sandwich with french fries. It doesn’t exactly scream Thai food, and you’re left feeling like you’re missing out on authentic Thai cuisine.

The truth is that Thailand is no stranger to plant-based diets. The country holds one of the largest vegetarian festivals in the world every October, Tesagan Gin Je, and its plant-based market is seeing average growth of 25% per year, making it easier than ever to live your best vegan life in the Land of Smiles....

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